Development of the Tanzanian dairy sector in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza and Musoma

  • Sectors: Promotion of small and medium enterprises,
    Rural credit and decentralised finance improvement
  • Duration: 02/1994 – 12/2003
  • Volume: 3.7 Mill. Euro
  • Persons/ Months: 100
  • Client: Austrian Development Cooperation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Vienna
  • Partner: Austroprojekt Association Tanzania (APA)
  • Similar to the previous dairy projects in Dar and Mara Region, the goal of the Maziwa Dairy Programme is to raise the productivity of the Tanzanian dairy sector by optimising milk marketing in the project areas (Dar es Salaam & Coastal Region, and Mara Region/Lake Zone). Marketing of milk is a means of generating sustainable income for milk producers, processors and vendors; increased availability of affordable, good quality milk contributes to good health of low-income consumers. The programme is currently implemented by two project units, Dar es Salaam & Coastal Region, and Mara Region.

    Based on experience from the two projects and recognition of the importance of organisational and institutional sustainability, emphasis is put on the development of human resources and stakeholder organisation in the dairy sector, by means of sensitisation, facilitation of services, consulting and advisory services, as well as networking with relevant governmental and non-governmental institutions and organisations in the sector. Access to information networks, financial services and promotion of credit and savings schemes are also principal project components.

    The transition approach gives priority to the collection and analysis of strategic data. Based on these findings, project strategies for the main components are elaborated.
    Taking advantage of the partners- lasting experience in dairy, special attention is given to environmental considerations and the impact of gender issues on dairying and marketing of milk products.

    Main target group are the milk chain actors – consumers, small- and medium-scale entrepreneurs (producers, processors, vendors) in the dairy sector of the project areas, as well as relevant input or service providers or institutions.

    Project components:

    • Improved organisational capacities of milk chain actors,
    • Improved business skills of milk chain actors; increased opportunities,
    • access to appropriate Business Development Services (BDS) for milk chain actors,
    • Increased availability of and access to financial services for milk chain actors,
    • Improved access to appropriate technology for milk chain actors,
    • Improved marketing capacities of milk chain actors.

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